UACES Facebook LeadAR Class 20 Member Spotlight: Sherry Beaty-Sullivan
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LeadAR Class 20 Member Spotlight: Sherry Beaty-Sullivan

by Lisa Davis - July 7, 2023

LeadAR Class 20 SpotlightPhoto of Sherry Beaty-SullivanWe are excited to introduce the next member of LeadAR Class 20. Sherry Beaty-Sullivan is the staff chair and agriculture agent for the Polk County extension office at the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture in Mena. We asked her to share her responses to the following questions.

Why did you apply to the LeadAR program? What motivated you?
Why—I am always looking for ways to improve my leadership skills and meet new people with new perspectives. What—LeadAR has always been a program that I have wanted to participate in and for me it was about the right timing and that is now.

What leadership quality do you admire most in others? Why?
Their passion because they believe in their cause or purpose, and that excitement excites others about that cause or purpose. This will likely motivate or inspire others.

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you? Why is this surprising?
I have eaten snails (escargot). It's surprising because they are indeed GROSS! But now I know.

What are your top three ingredients necessary for success?
Passion, Motivation, Desire

What are your top three ingredients necessary for happiness?
Flexibility, Forgiveness, Faith

Describe your personal leadership style.
Lead by example, transformational leadership, grow new leaders.

What is something you hope to gain from your LeadAR experience?
I hope to network with people from across the state that have different interests; gain different perspectives on leadership and leadership styles, and just learn from different people with different values, perspectives, etc.

How can effective leadership help move the state of Arkansas forward?
Helping those in power set focused, ambitious goals for the state and hold them accountable for implementing those goals and objectives. Also, communicating those goals and objectives so that all are aware of them.

You are stranded on a desert island. What are your three MUST HAVE items?
Food, Water, Faith

What is something that was difficult for you six months ago but easy for you now?
Seeing that the house we are building was ever get done! Now I am starting to see the light.

What else do you want others to know about you?
I grew up in and around agriculture. I enjoy fishing, gardening, canning, riding around our farm with my husband, walking barefoot in the creek, kayaking, and reading. I am truly passionate about Extension and the work that I do!

LeadAR is a program designed to help Arkansans broaden their understanding of issues and opportunities facing our state and strengthen their ability to make a difference. For more information about LeadAR, visit the website or contact Robinson,, or Lisa Davis,
