UACES Facebook LeadAR Class 20 Member Spotlight: Sylvia C. Brown
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LeadAR Class 20 Member Spotlight: Sylvia C. Brown

by Lisa Davis - February 21, 2024

Sylvia C. BrownLet’s meet another member of LeadAR Class 20. Sylvia C. Brown is Managing Member, Thought Leaders and Action Partners Ltd., and Lead Organizer, Visibility Outreach Touch Engage (VOTE SoAR). We asked her to respond to the following questions.

Why did you apply to the LeadAR program? What motivated you?

I applied because of the prestige of the program, the opportunity to meet more Arkansans, the opportunity to learn about the state's economic drivers, and lastly the opportunity to be a model for citizen activists I'm engaging with to encourage them to apply in the future.

What leadership quality do you admire most in others? Why?

I admire the ability to delegate because the action indicates an ability to trust others on your team, offers a chance for shared leadership, and gives team members a chance to demonstrate and grow their talents in an environment that values learning over perfection.

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you? Why is this surprising?

I've been involved in or connected to three legislative proposals that have been enacted into law—two on the federal level and one on a local level. This is surprising because the toxicity of the political process crowds out the critical role of politics and governmentto improve the lives of its citizenry.

What are your top three ingredients necessary for success?

  1. Grace for myself and for others
  2. Open mind
  3. Know my value and worth

What are your top three ingredients necessary for happiness?

  1. Create space for downtime
  2. Be open to the certainty of uncertainty
  3. Know my value and worth

Describe your personal leadership style.

My leadership style is transformational democratic leadership. Shifting from transactional relationships--what can you do for me and what I can do for youto transformational relationships that take time to develop and value people showing up as their full selves. I invite participation of team members in decision-making processes, seek input from the team and consider their perspectives and partnership.

What is something you hope to gain from your LeadAR experience?

I hope to gain relationships and deeper introspection into my leadership abilities.

How can effective leadership help move the state of Arkansas forward?

Moving Arkansas forward with effective leadership starts with facilitation on what are common threads of assets and challenges and defining the vision of "forward." Just as in a values alignment exercise there may be different words but there are words that share similar sentiments. At a minimum, elected, appointed, and citizens leaders can create space that values lived experiences by engaging in tough conversations, respecting phases of personal and organizational growth and acknowledging change management is hard.

LeadAR is a program designed to help Arkansans broaden their understanding of issues and opportunities facing our state and strengthen their ability to make a difference. For more information about LeadAR, visit the website or contact Julie Robinson,, or Lisa Davis,
