UACES Facebook In the Weeds: The Arkansas Historic or Special Interest Vehicle Act of 2024
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In the Weeds: The Arkansas Historic or Special Interest Vehicle Act of 2024

by Kristin Higgins - February 9, 2024

Update: This proposal did not qualify for the 2024 ballot.

Go "deep into the weeds" with us on The Arkansas Historic or Special Interest Vehicle Act of 2024, a proposed Arkansas 2024 ballot issue. Find links and more information about the proposal.

We will publish a voter guide on all 2024 Arkansas ballot issues in October. In the meantime, this blog post shares information about this proposed citizen initiative.

Ballot Information

The popular name may be called the title by some people:

The Arkansas Historic or Special Interest Vehicle Act of 2024

Sometimes called a ballot summary, this is the information that appears on voter petitions and would appear on the ballot if the issue qualifies:

An initiated act to amend the law regarding the age at which certain vehicles can be registered as historic or special interest; current law allows a person who is the owner of a historic or special interest vehicle or a facsimile of a historic or special interest vehicle that is 45 years or older to register the vehicle as a historic or special interest vehicle and to obtain a special license plate or an antique license plate for the vehicle; this initiated act would lower the minimum age requirement of the vehicle from 45 years to 25 years.

The Arkansas Attorney General is responsible for certifying that popular names and ballot titles are free from misleading information. Only after this certification can sponsors start collecting voter signatures.

Date Certified: Feb. 2, 2024

Read the AG's Opinion

Sponsors must collect signatures from at least 72,563 Arkansas voters, with a certain percentage coming from at least 50 counties. The deadline to submit signatures is July 5, 2024.

Secretary of State's Initiatives and Referenda Handbook


Ethics Commission Information

Supporters and opponents of a proposed ballot issue are required to file paperwork with the Arkansas Ethics Commission upon raising or spending $500. 

The Arkansas Ethics Commission does not show any ballot issue group registered to support this proposed ballot issue.

David Dinwiddie of Pine Bluff is listed on the Attorney General's Opinion as the sponsor of this proposed ballot measure.

As of Feb. 9, 2024, there are no opponents registered with the Arkansas Ethics Commission.



Websites for supporters and opponents will be added as they are known. As of Feb. 9, there is no publicly known supporter or opponent website for this proposed ballot issue.

