UACES Facebook In the Weeds: An Act to Exempt Feminine Hygiene Products and Diapers from Sales and Use Tax
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In the Weeds: An Act to Exempt Feminine Hygiene Products and Diapers from Sales and Use Tax

by Kristin Higgins - February 9, 2024

Update: This proposal did not qualify for the 2024 ballot.

Go "deep into the weeds" with us on An Act to Exempt Feminine Hygiene Products and Diapers from Sales and Use Tax, a proposed Arkansas 2024 ballot issue. Find links and more information about the proposal.

We will publish a voter guide on all 2024 Arkansas ballot issues in October. In the meantime, this blog post shares information about this proposed citizen initiative.

Ballot Question Committee Statement of Organization

Ballot Information

The popular name may be called the title by some people:

An Act to Exempt Feminine Hygiene Products and Diapers from Sales and Use Tax

Sometimes called a ballot summary, this is the information that appears on voter petitions and would appear on the ballot if the issue qualifies:

An act to create a sales and use tax exemption, effective January 1, 2025, for feminine hygiene products and diapers for children and adults, including disposable diapers. The act defines “feminine hygiene products” as tampons, panty liners, menstrual cups, sanitary napkins, and other similar tangible personal property designed for feminine hygiene in connection with the human menstrual cycle. The act defines a “diaper” as an absorbent garment worn by humans who are incapable of, or have difficulty, controlling their bladder or bowel movements. 

The Arkansas Attorney General is responsible for certifying that popular names and ballot titles are free from misleading information. Only after this certification can sponsors start collecting voter signatures.

Date Certified: Oct. 10, 2023

Read the AG's Opinion

Sponsors must collect signatures from at least 72,563 Arkansas voters, with a certain percentage coming from at least 50 counties. The deadline to submit signatures is July 5, 2024.

Secretary of State's Initiatives and Referenda Handbook


Ethics Commission Information

Supporters and opponents of a proposed ballot issue are required to file paperwork with the Arkansas Ethics Commission upon raising or spending $500. 

Arkansas Period Poverty Project

Ballot Question Committee Statement of Organization

To see the financial statements filed by the Arkansas Period Poverty Project, go to and click on "LO-BQC, BQC, AND LQC FILINGS"

Use the drop down menu to find the group's name. Doing this will reveal their filings with the Arkansas Ethics Commission.

As of March 21, 2024, there are no opponents registered with the Arkansas Ethics Commission.



Websites for supporters and opponents will be added as they are known.

