UACES Facebook Check Your Car for Leaking Fluids and Recycle Your Motor Oil
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Check Your Car for Leaking Fluids and Recycle Your Motor Oil

Improper Disposal of Used Oil: A Major Source of Stormwater Pollution

Improper disposal of used oil, including leaks from cars, is a significant contributor to stormwater pollution. If you have an oil leak, it's essential to do your part and have it repaired promptly.

In 2016, there were 547,029 registered cars in Benton and Washington counties. If only a small portion of these had leaks, that is still a significant amount of oil entering our creeks. 

Recycle Your Used Motor Oil

If you change your own automotive fluids, recycle your used motor oil. Many places that sell motor oil also collect it for free.

Clean Up Accidental Spills Responsibly

An easy way to clean up an accidental spill is to pour sand or kitty litter over the spill, wait a few minutes and then sweep up the solid materials.

Car Washing Best Practices

When washing your car, it's best to use a car wash facility instead of washing it in your driveway. This helps prevent soapy water, dirt, and contaminants from entering storm drains and eventually flowing into our waterways.

Get our tips on car washing here.


