UACES Facebook Pick Up After Your Pet
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2. Protect our waterways: Pick up after your pet!

Pet owners may feel tempted to leave pet waste on the ground.

However, the next rain can transport the waste onto streets and into gutters leading to storm drains. These drains are vital for preventing flooding and water damage by swiftly removing rainwater from streets and homes. Unfortunately, this water receives no treatment and eventually drains into creeks, lakes, and rivers—sources of our drinking water and recreational spots.

Northwest Arkansas implements ordinances and programs to mitigate pollutants entering our storm drains. Remember, always pick up after your pets and dispose of their waste properly.

Why is proper pet waste disposal essential?

  • Pet waste contributes to bacterial contamination of waterways and swim beaches.
  • It contains nutrients that can cause excessive algae growth which has negative impacts on water quality.
  • When pet waste decays, it uses oxygen, depleting it from other fish and animals. 
  • Pet waste also contributes to diseases animals pass to humans, called zoonoses. 


  1. Pick it up or scoop it.
  2. Bag it and dispose of it in a trash can. 

Most parks and trails have pet waste stations for proper disposal.  Pay attention to the locations of the stations to maximize the likelihood of use.


Empty the pet waste into the toilet and flush like any other waste. 

Do NOT flush the bag!
