UACES Facebook Use Fertilizer Sparingly and Sweep Driveways and Sidewalks After Application
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5. Use Fertilizer Sparingly and Sweep Driveways and Sidewalks After Application

Use fertilizers according to your lawn and plant needs and the labeled instructions. Always remember to sweep driveways and sidewalks after application.

The Impact of Excess Fertilizer on Waterways

Fertilizers that are applied in excess or scattered onto driveways or sidewalks have the potential to be carried by rain runoff into creeks and streams causing high levels of nutrients in our waters.

Too many nutrients can lead to unnatural algae growth creating green “slimy” or “hairy” water that depletes oxygen for aquatic ecosystems. 

It's important to minimize the use of fertilizers and adopt sustainable practices to prevent these harmful effects and preserve the health of aquatic ecosystems for future generations.


Improve your yard and garden with free soil testing!

Ensure your plants get the right amount of nutrients by getting a free soil test before applying fertilizers.

Get Started


Contact your County Extension Office for more information.
