UACES Facebook Soybean Science Challenge | Teacher Curriculum and Online Course
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Teacher Curriculum and Online Course

Need some “grab & go” content to supplement your curriculum? Want to help students make a real-world connection to the science behind Arkansas agriculture? 

Take a look at the “homegrown” curriculum resources available to you through the Soybean Science Challenge.

Get the "Homegrown" Teacher Curriculum Guide

Soybean Science Challenge Lesson Plans

Virtual Field Trips and Lesson Manuals


Need additional ADE approved PD hours to aid you in the classroom?

Teacher In-Service Online Course (7 hours of Approved PD)

Science Fair 101 Online Course (1-hour of Approved PD)

The links above  will take you to the UA Extension online courses site where you will need to create an account or sign into your existing account and then select:

'Teacher In-Service Online Course' or 'Science Fair 101 Online Course'


