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Beekeeping Publications

Our publications are practical, research-based, and written by Extension professionals and experts on a wide variety of topics. Some of our publications are available free at your local county Extension office.  The publications below are available for download as PDF files, to print or view on your computer or mobile device.  If you would like to order printed copies of these or any of our documents, visit our Extension Publications page to browse or search for a specific topic.

Beekeeping in Arkansas publication

Beekeeping in Arkansas


This brief but thorough introduction to small-scale beekeeping replaces the older MP419 publication.  This booklet covers all the basics, including necessary tools and  equipment, honey bee biology and behavior, seasonal management, and bee colony health.  

Arkansas Food Freedom Act & Beekeepers

The Arkansas Food Freedom Act and Hobbyist Beekeeper Operations


Act 1040 of 2021 has replaced the Arkansas Cottage Food Act of 2016.  Find out how this affects beekeepers and honey producers in the Natural State.

"Raising Quality Queen Bees" MP-518

Raising Quality Queen Bees


A simplified, illustrated manual explaining the essential how and why of raising high-quality queens for your honey bee colonies.  Detailed, but easy to understand, and suitable for raising new queen bees on any scale.

Criando Abejas Reinas de Calidad


Un manual simplificado e ilustrado que explica cómo y por qué criar reinas de alta calidad para sus colonias de abejas melíferas. Detallado, pero fácil de entender y adecuado para criar nuevas abejas reinas en cualquier escala.
(en español)

"Criando Abejas Reinas de Calidad" MP-518SP
 "Honey Bee Health" FSA 7075

Honey Bee Health


An illustrated guide to identification of honey bee diseases and bee hive pests, with recommendations for treatments and prevention, presented with an emphasis on Integrated Pest Management.

This information is also available in a format optimized for viewing on your mobile device at

 "Managing Small Hive Beetles" FSA 7075

Managing Small Hive Beetles

FSA 7075

The small hive beetle is an aggressive pest of bee colonies in the south. By using an integrated approach, beekeepers can help to keep their numbers low and minimize their impact and stress on honey bee colonies.

Forage Publications

Quality honey bee forage is vital to bee health as well as honey production. Clover and legumes can be great bee forage, and can improve pasture performance by fixing soil nitrogen, extending the grazing season, and improving nutritional quality of the hay. These publications provide information on seeding pastures with clover and other legumes to benefit both livestock and pollinators.

Varroa Management Guide

Varroa Management Guide  

This excellent publication from the Honey Bee Health Coalition offers practical and effective methods to manage Varroa mites, with detailed information on current treatments and recommendations for their use. (También disponible en español)

Their accompanying  Varroa Management Decision Tool walks you through decisions you need to make to determine how best to manage varroa mites at various times of year in your own operation to fit your management style.

Their website includes videos demonstrating how to evaluate colonies for varroa infestation and how to use the various treatments and medications.
