April 9, 2016
Can you please identify this house plant?
The plant in question is Clivia, one of my favorite with the bright orange flowers.
April 1, 2016
A friend of mine gave me a Clivia miniata house plant and I have been unsure how to
take care of it. Searching the internet I found out that it likes to be on the dry
side. By the time I learned this the plant has already lost its blooms so I am afraid
that I have killed the plant. Can you tell me anything I can do to revive the plant?
I am willing to re-pot if necessary.
Since orange is one of my most favorite colors, I absolutely adore Clivia. I could
not get mine to rebloom well. They thrive outdoors in the summer under a shade tree,
but need to move inside in the fall. When you move it inside, it needs to stay on
the dry side, or it won’t rebloom. If anything, I rarely water houseplants, so that
wasn’t a factor for me. Once they have bloom stalks, you can increase the water and
it should be fine. They can bloom from December through April and I have seen some
stunning examples. I doubt you killed the plant, but you may have shortened its bloom
period. Move the plant outside later this month or in May and let it grow. It tends
to bloom better if the roots are slightly pot-bound so I would not repot since you
just got it.
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