Prayer Plant
(August 2010)
My prayer plant is in the carport out of the sun I water as needed and it is putting
out a new leaf in the center, but it prays constantly. Does it want to be in the house
where it is 73 degrees? I want it to be happy; please advise me.
Maybe it is on a religious retreat!! I personally would rather be inside in 73 degrees
versus outside with 100+! Typically the prayer plant or Maranta closes at night in relationship to light and dark. I would say your plant is stressed
in some way. As hot as it has been, it may be a reaction to the heat. It may not be
getting enough light. It also likes even moisture, but can’t tolerate wet feet, so
rots easily—and is very shallow rooted, so it can dry out quickly. Try moving it inside
and put it in a room with good morning light and see if it doesn’t come out of its
prayer routine. Make sure you are watering properly and the plant has a healthy root
system. It should be easier to manage the water needs indoors versus outside.
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