Thanksgiving Cactus
(December 2011)
Eight years ago my daughter gave me a Christmas cactus. Each summer, I move it outside
to filtered sunlight and it has done great. This August it started dropping leaves.
Sections about five leaves in length will fall off. I dip them in rooting hormone
and they are rooting, which is confusing. I re-potted it in September and moved it
indoors in October when the temperature dropped and it had set flower buds. It has
bloomed beautifully but the leaves continue to drop. There is no sign of insects that
would be cutting the leaves. Do you have any idea what is wrong with it?
Eight years ago my daughter gave me a Christmas cactus. Each summer, I move it outside
to filtered sunlight and it has done great. This August it started dropping leaves.
Sections about five leaves in length will fall off. I dip them in rooting hormone
and they are rooting, which is confusing. I re-potted it in September and moved it
indoors in October when the temperature dropped and it had set flower buds. It has
bloomed beautifully but the leaves continue to drop. There is no sign of insects that
would be cutting the leaves. Do you have any idea what is wrong with it?
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