(August 2010)
My friend received this plant in an assortment garden from the florist. She has since
transplanted it and it is thriving. I have enclosed pictures. The top side of the
leaf is a brilliant green and the underside is a deep purple. The delicate blooms
almost look like a “jack in the pulpit”. The green that you see behind the blooms
are a trellis. We would love it if you could identify this beautiful plant for us!
I believe it is a Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'. Plectranthus is the same family as
Swedish Ivy but this plant is grown outdoors as a summer annual in morning sun or
filtered sun. The foliage can be a dark purplish green with these spikes of purple
flowers. Some will try growing it as a houseplant but it would need very bright light
to keep blooming indoors.
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