UACES Facebook McCullough Honored with Bonnie Teater Community Development Lifetime Achievement Award
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McCullough Honored with Bonnie Teater Community Development Lifetime Achievement Award

by Kristin Higgins - July 3, 2024

Stacey McCulloughDr. Stacey McCullough grew up in the extension world, with her mother working for the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service and McCullough later as a young woman working at the Arkansas 4-H Center outside of Little Rock. She continues to serve Arkansas through leading the Community, Professional and Economic Development unit and serves as director of the Public Policy Center. 

The Southern Rural Development Center honored McCullough in Houston last month with the Bonnie Teater Community Development Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes superior lifetime work by an individual who has made an important contribution to extension community development.

“I am incredibly honored to receive this award. I can’t imagine a more fulfilling career than working alongside people and communities to achieve their goals and dreams,” McCullough said. “The relationships with my colleagues from the Southern Rural Development Center and across the Cooperative Extension System have allowed me to grow and contribute to society in so many ways.”

Since 2005, McCullough has been a program associate, instructor, assistant professor, director, interim associate department head, and currently assistant vice-president.

In her nomination, Assistant Professor Hunter Goodman wrote how McCullough embodies the land-grant mission "and the unique calling of extension to impact the lives of people and communities through research and best practices along with community voice."

Her colleagues in the Community, Professional and Economic Development unit congratulate McCullough on her well-deserved recognition and are grateful to serve Arkansans alongside her.
