SOS Family Challenge #3 - Laundry Challenge!
Amy Heck, 4-H/Ag Agent in White County, shares this homemade laundry detergent!
SOS Family Challenge #3 - Laundry Challenge!
by Katie Cullum

How much do you spend on laundry detergent? It can really add up when you buy name-brand, with all the bells and whistles. You can spend up to about $1 per LOAD. How many loads of laundry do you wash each week? That cost can really add up fast.
If you've ever considered making your own laundry detergent, now is the time! You can save a few dollars a week and it takes just a few minutes.
Homemade Laundry Detergent
- 2 cups Fels-Naptha laundry soap, grated
- 1 cup Borax
- 1 cup Super Washing Soda
- Grate soap using a hand grater or the food processor.
- Mix all ingredients together and stir well.
- You can also mix them up in a food processor.
- Use 2 tablespoons of mixture per load of laundry.
- 1 bar of the soap will make about 2 batches, so you could easily double the recipe.
- You can add "scent boosters" for fragrance, but that will add to the cost. You can also add in Oxi-Clean powder to loads that are especially dirty.
Here's the recipe in this file.
If you're interested in making your own cleaning supplies and going green, check out this Clean & Green publication with a ton of recipes!