UACES Facebook Green Chili Omelet
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Green Chili Omelet

green chili omeletIngredients

  • 1/2 tbsp. margarine
  • 1 egg
  • 4 egg whites
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • 2 tbsp. low fat cream cheese, softened
  • 1 (4 oz.) can chopped green chilies


  1. Melt margarine in omelet pan.
  2. Whisk egg, egg whites and water together briskly. Pour mixture over margarine.
  3. Lower heat to medium low. Using a spatula, push egg mixture to one side, allowing uncooked egg to run onto skillet surface.
  4. After egg mixture is cooked, spread cream cheese and chilies over the upper half.
  5. With a wide spatula, carefully lift and fold the lower half over the chilies and cream cheese.
  6. Cut the omelet in half. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Facts

  • Calories 146
  • Carbohydrates 5
  • Fat 8g
  • Sodium 263mg
  • Protein 12g