October 1, 2016
I have a row of cleyera shrubs planted along one side of the house. Now they are huge and I want to move one or two to another spot. Is this possible? When should I attempt it? Any tips to go along with the move?
The best time to move your cleyera would be November through February—the dormant season. November is ideal because you still have some residual soil heat, and the roots can get busy re-establishing before they have to supply food and water to the tops. Try to get the new hole dug before digging up the shrub and protect the roots if the temperatures are cool. Water well after replanting and pay attention to the water needs throughout the winter. Winter watering is not as common as summer time watering, but prior to a hard freeze or cold snap, make sure there is ample moisture around the root zone.
(April 2010)
Are there shrubs (besides azalea, rhododendron, and camellia)that will grow well under
pine trees?
Pines tend to have a high enough canopy that most shade and partial shade tolerant
shrubs do well. Cleyera, aucuba, fatsia, hollies and boxwoods are all possible choices,
but there are numerous others. Soil acidity can be a long-term concern under pines,
but most of these plants are pretty tolerant.
(November 2005)
When the leaves fall from our many trees, a neighbor's storage building becomes visible.
I would like to plant several tall evergreen bushes or trees so that the building
would be screened from our view. I considered a berm, but it would have to be really
tall for us not to see the building when in our home. Please suggest evergreen bushes
or trees that would survive as under story plantings. Someone suggested a Mahoney,
but I have been unable to locate these bushes.
I think you are referring to Mahonia. It would not grow tall enough to serve your
purpose. What about Illicium - Florida anise, Cleyera, Wax Myrtle or Cherry Laurel?
Depending on ultimate height, cherry laurel may be your best bet, since it does grow
the tallest of the three, but all will do well as an under story plant.
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