French Mulberry
September 2011
Last weekend we were out hiking and saw the most unusual bush. I didn’t have my camera
with me, but I am hoping you can figure it out from my description. It had oval green
leaves, and then up and down the stem at about 4 inch intervals were clusters of bright
purple berries, completely circling the stem. Any ideas? If you know what it is, where
can I buy one and what kind of conditions does it need to grow well?
The plant in question is a beautyberry or French mulberry— Callicarpa americana. It is a native plant that is a tough performer in both full sun to partial shade.
Some nurseries do carry the native species, while others sell newer cultivars. There
are plants with light purple and white berries also, but I personally love the bright
purple. Give it a few weeks and the deciduous leaves will start to turn yellow and
the combination of yellow and purple is eye catching. If you know someone who has
one they are often willing to share, since it propagates readily. Plan to come to
the plant sale at Garvan Gardens in Hot Springs, October 7 & 8. They always sell them.
We are also sponsoring a New Plants Workshop at the Gardens on Friday, Oct. 7. For
more information and to pre-register call (800) 366-4664.
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