June 10, 2017
This bush (see the attached photographs) was grown from a cutting I took from a bush on the lawn in front of the Old Main on the UA campus. The original bush no longer exists. I have been unable to identify the bush. The blooms are pink-white and they coincide with the privets blooms but have no fragrance that I can detect. Any help you can provide in identifying these would be greatly appreciated.
The plant in question is a deutzia- Deutzia scabra. While there are new varieties with varying mature heights, the old-fashioned one typically
grows 6-10 feet tall with a 4-6 foot spread. There can be a light fragrance the blooms.
It blooms best in full sun but will tolerate partial sun areas. It is not too particular
about soil type as long as it is well-drained. It blooms in the spring. It can be
grown as a specimen plant or a hedge.
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