Wax Myrtle
June 9, 2018
I remember reading your article about plants that will make a good screening hedge row, but did not keep the information. I need to plant about a 12 foot hedge row and does not need to be really tall. I would like something that grows rapidly, but won’t need much maintenance when mature. I live in Hot Springs Village. The area is pretty much a shady area with some lightly filtered sun. I assume that will affect what I plant.
Wax myrtles are a good choice for shady areas but they are not a formal plant at maturity,
since they have a more open, floppy appearance. Illicium (Florida anise) is another
evergreen with blooms in the shade that would do well. Hollies and boxwood both grow
well in sun or shade, and there are variable heights of both. I assume you want an
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