Winter Jasmine
January 21, 2017
What is the small almost vining plant that will begin to bloom later this month that
has small forsythia-like yellow flowers? My neighbor and I both have the plant in
our yard and every year we argue about what it is. She thinks it is a type of forsythia
and I don't, but I don’t know what it is either. Can you help?
The plant in question is winter jasmine, Jasminum nudiflorum. This low spreading shrub is a good option for covering banks or small slopes, or
as a low edging plant. It blooms reliably every winter, with pretty yellow flowers.
It will do well in sun or partial shade. It roots very easily from branches layered
in the soil. It usually blooms several weeks before forsythia, when people see the
yellow blooms, even though the bush is much lower growing, they immediately assume
March 2010
What are some, if any, evergreen flowers like gardenias that deer will leave alone?
Deer are definitely a problem in Arkansas gardens. We do have a list of deer resistant
plants on our website, but if the deer get desperate for food, they occasionally eat
some of these as well. Some flowering plants to try include: butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii), forsythia, winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum), leucothoe, Oregon grape holly (Mahonia), oleander, flowering quince (Chaenomeles japonica) daphne, Japanese andromeda (Pieris japonica), spireas, oakleaf hydrangea and mock orange – (Philadelphus sp.).
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