Mock Orange
August 5, 2017
Please see the pictures of this plant and how it has grown and fallen over. We have
had it for about 40 years. The lady that gave us this plant called it a "Mock Orange
Tree"; we don't know the actual name of the plant. We live in Fayetteville. What
time of the year should we prune or trim it back and how much of it should we cut
It is a mock orange shrub—Philadelphus is the genus. Mock orange is a cane-producing plant, meaning there is not a dominant trunk, but multiple stems at the base. I think the only pruning you have done is to prune the tops of the canes, which makes the canes top-heavy. After it blooms next spring, prune out 1/3 to ½ of the old canes at the soil line. This should encourage new canes to grow from the soil up, which will be fuller and stronger. Then next year, take out the other half or one/third. It is too late to prune now without interfering with flowering for next year.
July 1, 2017
I have a mock orange bush, approximately five feet tall, that has never bloomed. This is its third summer. It gets plenty of sun. Do you think it will ever bloom or should I replace it with another blooming plant?
When do you prune it, or do you? Mock orange-- Philadelphus sp. is a wonderful shrub that blooms in late spring and sets flower buds in the fall. If you prune it after July you can interfere with blooming. Really young plants can also spend the first couple of years getting established before blooming, but it sounds like yours is doing well size-wise. I know of no other reason why it wouldn't bloom. They are usually pretty durable plants with a reliable bloom provided they get plenty of sun, which it sounds like you have. Give it one more year and see what happens. There is no such thing as a male mock orange. If it still doesn’t bloom, then make a substitution. My new motto is Life is too short to live with bad plants!
May 7, 2016
What is the name of this plant? I have heard English Dogwood but never the real name. It is actually invasive but I happen to have it in an area to control its shoots.
The plant in question is commonly called English dogwood or Mock Orange. The Latin name is Philadelphus. It is a wonderful old-fashioned shrub that has arching canes with fragrant white blooms in late spring. It is one of the last of the spring bloomers to bloom. If any pruning is needed, thin out some of the older canes at the bottom. I have never thought it to be invasive, but it can begin to spread with age.
(March 2010)
Can (or should) Rose of Sharon bushes, gardenia bushes and/or mock orange bushes be
pruned and if so, when is the best time to do it?
When pruning any plant there are three questions you need to ask before grabbing the
pruning shears: why, when and how? Why do they need to be pruned—have they overgrown
their space, do you need a specific shape or size, or has there been any damage to
them. Once it has been determined that you need to prune, then know when is the best
time. If they are spring bloomers, like mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius), then
all pruning should be done AFTER they bloom. Spring blooming plants set flower buds
at the end of the growing season. Pruning as soon after flowering will give them ample
time to recover before they need to set more flower buds. If your plant blooms in
the summer, like the Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) they bloom on the new growth
and should be pruned before growth begins—in late February until mid March. Pruning
later simply delays the first set of flowers. As with all things there are exceptions
to these rules—Gardenia or cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) and big leaf hydrangea
(Hydrangea macrophylla) and oak leaf hydrangea (H. quercifolia) bloom in the summer
but set flower buds in the fall. Some newer cultivars of gardenia and hydrangea ‘Frost
Proof’ gardenia and ‘Endless Summer’ hydrangea actually set flower buds in the fall
but also set some flowers on the current season growth. Choosing a plant that fits
the location will limit how much it needs to be pruned. If pruning of gardenias or
hydrangeas are needed, do so immediately after the first big flush of flowers in the
(May 2010)
Could you please help me identify the plant in the attached picture? I dug some up
some sprouts from plants at an old home site several years ago. It is beautiful, but
I have no idea what it is.
The plant in question is a mock orange-- Philadelphus coronarius. It is an old-fashioned
shrub with beautiful white flowers. Older varieties are quite fragrant, while the
newer ones often have larger, showier flowers but not much in the way of fragrance.
This spring the mock orange plants have bloomed the best I have ever seen. It is a
great plant and a living fountain of white in late spring.
(July 2006)
I have a mock orange bush, approximately five feet tall, that has never bloomed. This
is its third summer. It gets plenty of sun. Do you think it will ever bloom or should
I replace it with another blooming plant?
When do you prune it, or do you? Mock orange-- Philadelphus sp. is a wonderful shrub
that blooms in late spring and sets flower buds in the fall. If you prune it after
July you can interfere with blooming. I know of no other reason why it wouldn't bloom.
They are usually pretty durable plants with a reliable bloom provided they get plenty
of sun, which it sounds like you have.
(April 2005
A few years ago I planted a mock orange, Philadelphus virginalis it says. Although
it is still living, unusual for things I plant, it has never bloomed. Will it? Also,
there is this plant around Fayetteville that resembles honeysuckle but is a woody
shrub rather than a vine. It grows like cancer, so without constant whacking it takes
over the yard. Any way to get rid of it?
How much sunlight does your mock orange get? It needs at least 4-6 hours, and will
do great in full sun. It should bloom every year in late spring. It sets its flower
buds in the fall, so don't do much pruning after June. They are usually pretty reliable.
As for your honeysuckle plant, there are shrub honeysuckles, but they are not usually
invasive. You may want to take a plant sample to your county agent. The best way to
kill plants is to get as much of the original plant dug up, then spray any remaining
sprouts with a glyphosate (Round-up) product. The larger and woodier the plant, the
harder it is to kill.
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