Candlestick Tree
Enclosed is a limb from a plant I recently acquired. The man I got it from did not
know its botanical name, but called it a candle flower bush. It is about four feet
tall in the pot at the present time. I can’t find it in any of my books. Please tell
me what it is and something about it.
The candlestick tree, or candle bush, Cassia alata, is grown as a summer annual.
Many people plant them outside for summer color. They are members of the pea family.
The seeds germinate best in soil temperatures of 70-75 degrees. They grow best in
full sun and a rich, well drained soil. Avoid too much nitrogen, opting for a complete
fertilizer. If you are growing it as a pot plant, keep it indoors for the winter,
and move it outside in the spring, after all chances of frost have passed.
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