Flowering Maple
I have an Abutilon plant which seems very healthy and is still blooming, even though
it spends most of the time in our dark garage. We take it out on days above 40 degrees.
Is this a perennial, or just an annual and we are lucky? Is it hardy enough that we
could plant it outside and leave it there in the winter? I have it in a large pot,
which is a bit heavy to be moving around. I would bring it in the house, but do not
have a lot of light, and it seems to be okay in the garage.
Abutilon's are also called flowering maples. Most of the cultivars available in our
market are considered annuals. There are a few perennials that can be found, but they
aren't common here, nor are they always reliable. They can be beautiful plants, treated
as tropicals, and kept indoors in the winter. As long as you can prevent them from
freezing, they should do fine. Personally, I would not be moving it back and forth--way
too much effort. Wait until spring and move it outside for the growing season. If
it gets leggy in the garage shear it back.
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