January 21, 2017
We purchased a house in June of 2016 that has a large amount of lantanas. Now that
the frost has killed the top foliage, what should I do? Should they be trimmed to
the ground or left to come back?
Lantana is one of those plants that can either be an annual or a perennial depending
on the winter weather. In south Arkansas, they usually come back each year from the
root system while in NW Arkansas they would only survive a really mild winter. Some
gardeners allow the spent foliage to remain as added winter protection, but it can
be a bit unsightly. I would recommend cutting back the spent foliage and then adding
an additional layer of mulch to help protect them for the remainder of the winter.
In the spring, if they do survive, they are often a bit slow to bounce back since
they are heat-loving plants.
(December 2012)
With the frost and cold temps my trailing Lantana is now brown and brittle. When do
I cut it back and how much should I cut it?
Once a killing frost occurs, I begin to clean up the spent foliage of annuals and
perennials. Some gardeners prefer to leave the old foliage on lantanas as extra winter
protection, but I cut mine back and add a little extra mulch. Lantana is a true perennial
in south Arkansas, hit and miss in central Arkansas and usually an annual in north
(September 2012)
I have deer or rodents eating my hosta, lantana, etc. What is the best way to get
rid of them? I live in the woods of Bella Vista and have lots of wildlife around here,
i.e., groundhogs, rabbits, deer, squirrels, fox, etc. I have lived here many, many
years but this is the first year I have encountered this problem. Please help me save
my plants!
Deer and animal problems are worse this year that ever! The dry weather has taken
away much of their natural food source, and they are moving into yards and gardens
that are being maintained. In your neck of the woods, I am surprised this is a new
occurrence. Many of our gardeners up there are plagued with deer annually. Several
options exist—deer fencing, electric fencing, and repellants. We do have a list of
deer resistant plants on our website at:
but the deer haven’t read it, and occasionally eat plants on the list, if they are
desperate enough.
(July 2012)
Like a lot of people, I'm losing some plants this summer. You may know that here
in Maumelle, we're restricted to once-a-week watering. Even sneaking around my back
yard with my hose isn't doing the job! You mentioned in your column today that hydrangeas
are not drought-tolerant. I have one that's in a bad spot that I think I'll just
take out after this year, so I know what you're talking about. My question is this:
Would it be possible for you to print a list of plants that are drought-tolerant in
an upcoming column? I've threatened to tear everything out and plant cacti next year
or maybe just rosemary and Black-eyed Susans, since that's all that's doing well in
my garden right now!
As mentioned above with the crape myrtles, even they are struggling with the heat!
Also, when planting even the most drought tolerant plants, the first growing season,
they will need water. I can’t imagine what my landscape would look like with once
a week watering—the soil is so incredibly rocky, and I am on a slope, so I feel for
you with water restrictions. Deep, excellent soil encourages deep roots, which makes
it easier to water less often. Some drought tolerant shrubs for sun include: abelia,
althea (rose of Sharon), forsythia, spirea, buddleia (butterfly bush), barberry, junipers,
beautyberry, nandina and ninebark. For shade, acuba, cleyera, and even camellias
once they are well established. Perennials include rosemary, thyme, lamb’s ear, butterfly
weed (milkweed), yarrow, gaura, rudbeckia (black eyed Susan), purple coneflower, liatris,
sedum and penstemon. Annuals include lantana, periwinkle, cleome (spider flower),
cockscomb, cosmos and portulaca. There are also a good number of succulents—plants
with thick fleshy leaves that are available from nurseries.
(November 2011)
We have purple flowering lantana that grew beautifully. When should we cut it back
and how much should we cut it back? Last year we did it wrong and it did not come
back. We had to replant.
I am not sure you did it wrong last year, or if it simply got colder than normal and
that is what killed it. Lantana is marginally winter hardy in central Arkansas, and
an annual in the northern tier of the state. Some folks like to leave the spent foliage
as extra protection, but regardless, wait for a killing frost before you add extra
mulch and/or prune it back. Be patient in the spring, because it is a heat lover
and slow to begin new growth. Also keep in mind, that some varieties are hardier
than others.
(July 2006)
I live in Magnolia, AR and I planted Gold Mound lantana around the edges of my patio
three years ago and the first year had glorious blooms on each plant. For the past
two years shortly after the green growth emerges the tips of the leaves turn brown
and curl. The plants continue to grow and produce some flowers but nothing compared
to the first year. I don't trim back the lantana until after danger of frost is past
so I'm not certain what the problem is. The plants are on the east side and get full
Lantana thrive in heat and sun. What you are describing sounds like some type of
burn. Could you have over-fertilized, dumped some type of chemical nearby or gotten
drift from a lawn weed killer? In Magnolia, Arkansas, most lantanas are perennial.
Have your soil tested to make sure the pH is in balance and to make sure you don't
have a salts buildup. If none of the above conditions apply, try digging up a small
plant and taking it to your local county extension office so they can send it to the
disease diagnostic lab. If your soil is particularly poor, and over-fertilization
and salts is not an issue, try using a slow release fertilizer such as osmocote, then
using a water soluble fertilizer every two to three weeks. Water when dry.
If you have time, I would sure like to know when you would recommend pruning Crape
Myrtles, Lantana, Coral Bells, Weigela, and Dwarf Maiden Grass. We planted all these
plants last summer
There are several different types of plants you are asking about from annuals to perennials
to woody shrubs. Let's start with the woodies. Crape myrtles bloom on new growth.
If they need it, prune them before new growth begins in late Feb. Weigelia is a late
spring bloomer, but it has its flower buds set now, so prune it after it blooms. All
ornamental grasses benefit from a haircut before new growth begins--in late Feb through
mid March. Before pruning, check to see how much new growth there is, and then cut
as low as possible, without cutting into any new green. Coral Bells--or heuchera (
I assume you mean the perennial--not Coral bell azaleas) is a semi-evergreen perennial.
Often you will have some cleanup to do in the spring before new growth begins. Lantana
is a summer annual/perennial. In some parts of the state it comes back easier than
in others. It is rare to see any lantana resprouting above ground. Usually it will
come back from the crown, with the upper portions burned back by winter, so cutting
back the dead foliage before new growth begins is beneficial.
In a recent issue of Southern Living there was an article on lantanas. It said that
lantanas are native to tropical America and may be annuals or perennials, depending
on where you live. We live in Heber Springs. Would these flowers do well here? If
so, where can we get plants or seeds? We like the idea of something that is hardy
and blooms spring until fall. Thanks for your assistance..
Lantana plants would be considered an annual in Heber Springs, although it is perennial
in south Arkansas and even occasionally in Little Rock. In mild winters it may over
winter further north, but don't count on it. Lantana is a common plant at most nurseries
and garden centers statewide. It has been on the market for years. Newer varieties
have been released that are self-cleaning, meaning they don't set as many seeds, and
the plants bloom more freely without the need to deadhead. Lantana thrives in hot
weather. It won't kick in and grow when the weather is cool in early spring, but
once the soil temperature heats up, this plant will bloom up until frost. It comes
in a variety of colors from yellows, whites, reds, and the traditional multi colored
blooms of yellow and oranges. Give it plenty of sunlight and fertilize monthly throughout
the blooming season.
Last year I planted Lantana in several sunny spots in my yard. They were luscious
and grew quite large. Now, they are mere stalks and my question is, will they come
back again or are they annuals? If they are perennials, when do I trim them back?.
Lantana is one of those wait-and-see type of plants. Some years they are perennial
in central Arkansas, and some years they aren't. If they do come back, they typically
begin growing at the soil line--from the crown of the plant--not from the top. You
can begin cleaning up the dead stalks, and add a light layer of mulch, being careful
not to uproot the whole plant. Be patient this spring--lantana's thrive in heat, and
even if they are still alive, they will not be the first thing to green back up. I
have some that have survived, but I usually add a few new ones, because I am too impatient
to wait for that first bloom.
I bought the most beautiful purple blooming plant the other day. I know nothing about
it, other than the nametag that came with it–heliotrope. Do you know anything about
this plant? Is it an annual or a perennial? What care should I give it? (Beebe)
Heliotrope is a wonderful tender plant, grown either as a summer annual or treated
as a tropical plant, and moved indoors in the winter. These wonderful dark green foliaged
plants have a beautiful cluster of flowers in shades of purple or white. The flowers
are very fragrant, and should bloom all summer long. They do best in full sun and
need lots of water–they are not very drought tolerant. Conversely, they don’t tolerate
wet feet either. Depending on cultivar they can grow from 15 to 30 inches tall.
I need your HELP! I have got the most beautiful Lantana's in my front yard, and I
have been told that if I cut them back and cover them well with bark they will come
back... Is this true?? Just tell me what I need to do.
Lantana plants are moderately winter hardy. Some people have lantana that are perennial
in nature and come back every year, while others replant every season. Some of this
depends on where you are in the state -- south or north, and then also, what type
of winter we have. For your best chance, wait for a killing frost, then mulch a little
extra. Be patient in the spring, since lantana will not begin to grow until the soil
temperature has sufficiently warmed up.
When is the proper time to prune lantanas that are planted in the yard and to what
length should the stalks be cut?
Lantana plants will die to the ground usually following a killing frost. At that point
you can cut off the old foliage and mulch them for the winter. In south Arkansas they
are fairly reliable perennials. In central Arkansas and northward they are iffy. Pruning
during the growing season is usually not done unless they get leggy or need dead-heading.
I have heard that if you dead head Lantana's that they will help them bloom more.
I have tried that and it takes a lot of time -- nearly every day. Do you think that
is true and is it worth the time and effort?
If you have a lantana that sets a profuse amount of seeds, then deadheading weekly
should definitely help with rebloom. I would not do it daily, since that is a bit
tedious. Some varieties of lantana set more seeds than others. A few varieties are
practically seedless. Whenever a plant sets seeds, it redirects energy that could
go into setting more flowers into the seed production, so if you want plenty of flowers,
do deadhead.
Last year I spent hours dead-heading yellow Lantanas even though they don't seem to
put out many seeds. This year I have not dead-headed and can't tell the difference
in the number of flowers. Is dead-heading really necessary?
Some varieties of lantanas set a profusion of seeds, while others rarely set any seeds
at all -- they are basically self-cleaning. I would only dead-head if you see seed
heads forming. Seed set takes away from the plant setting more flowers, but if yours
aren't setting seeds, it would be a waste of time to dead-head.
I had a penta plant and a lantana plant in the garage all winter. I took them out
the first of April. The lantana already had leafed out and had a bloom. The penta
had leafed out on the end of stalks with brown leaves, it was also growing new growth
from the roots. I didn't do anything to the lantana, but cut the penta back down to
the new growth from the roots. Thinking it wasn't going to be cold that night, I left
them uncovered in the yard. Evidently it was still too cold because the leaves were
brown on the ends the next morning. Should I just cut them back to the roots now?
A lot of people got anxious this spring and moved plants outdoors a bit early-there
were temperatures from the low 30's - mid 40's many nights. Hopefully, the root system
is fine and will go ahead and re-sprout new foliage. Be patient and see where growth
begins again when the weather stays warm. It is helpful to prune them back some to
encourage new growth. Sometimes they get awfully leggy after being protected all winter.
Fertilize lightly now, and more when they get growing.
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