Variety Selection
(April 2007)
I have three 10" hanging pots that are in full sun all day. I would like to plant
some colorful plants (that maybe hang over). Do you have any suggestions?
There are several suggestions. One that really can take heat and grow non-stop is
the ornamental sweet potato vine. It is a cascading plant that comes in either bright
lime green- ‘Margarita’, purplish black – ‘Blackie’; or variegated. It is quite prolific.
You could use it as the cascading plant and use pentas or melampodium as a filler
plant, but try not to overcrowd the containers or watering will be more difficult.
You can also use some of the trailing lantana or petunias. If you have ever seen
the glorious hanging baskets in downtown Hot Springs, they are all one variety of
petunias. Try the Wave or Supertunia varieties. They all should take the sun. Make
sure you keep up with the nutritional needs of the plants and the daily watering that
will be needed as the heat increases this summer.
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