November 10, 2018
What is the blue flower? It came in a flower arrangement and we would like to identify it. I wonder if you can help identify this plant. I think it is related to some coxcomb plants I had in this area during summer 2017. This plant came up about 5 weeks ago and has reached about 5 feet, and a few parts look like coxcomb plants. Is it likely a seed from a plant that was a few inches tall would produce this, or is it something totally different? Should I keep this plant's roots in the ground for future seasons?
The plant in question is a variety of celosia, which is commonly called cockscomb. There are many new varieties out there. These are annual flowers but they can reseed themselves. I am surprised it took them this long to sprout but enjoy it for now until a frost. I would consider shaking out some of the flower heads to save seeds and sow them in warm soil next spring. Celosia plants do root quite easily but would not thrive indoors in the winter.
April 2010
Could you tell me the real name of the flower that is called cocks comb. I know this
is an old flower but I would like to have some seed to get it started. Is it annual?
My mother used to grow them but I don't remember a lot about it other than how pretty
it was.
Cockscomb is a common name for the annual Celosia cristata. They come in several
different flower forms—the combs (which you are referring to) , plumes and spikes.
Flower color ranges from red, pink, yellow, orange and white, some having colorful
foliage as well. Size of mature plants also runs the gamut from 4-6 inches to 4-6
feet. They make a tough, drought tolerant annual which freely reseeds itself, so they
often come back annually with very little work. They make a great cut flower and are
often seen in bouquets at farmers markets all summer long. They are easily grown from
seed or plants and thrive all summer long provided they get plenty of sunlight.
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