July 30, 2016
I have tried unsuccessfully in the past to harvest seeds from my annual Marigold plants.
Is there a specific time of year when they can best be harvested? How long should
the spent blooms be allowed to hang on the plant to be set as seeds? How about
storage over the winter? Any advice you can pass along would be very helpful to me,
thx so much and keep up the great work!My Zinnias and Marigolds are Hugh is there
a market for seeds? I am saving a lot of them but have hundreds of the Marigolds.
I don't want to sell them will give them away.
As long as you are growing varieties of marigolds that set seeds, they should be fairly
easy to save. The spent flower should not be removed or deadheaded, but allowed to
dry on the plant. As the seed head matures it will turn brown and dry. You can put
a small paper bag around the bloom to hold the seeds in case you miss them, but it
usually isn’t necessary. Once the seed pod is dry, cut them off and let them air dry
for a few days. Then harvest the seeds from the pod and place in a paper envelope
until planting next spring.
September 19, 2015
My Zinnias and Marigolds are Hugh is there a market for seeds? I am saving a lot of
them but have hundreds of the Marigolds. I don't want to sell them will give them
Save the seeds and put them in envelopes and give them as holiday presents with instructions
on how to plant them. You could also contact your local Master Gardener group via
the county extension office and see if they are interested in having them for their
plant sales, or donate to a local school next spring.
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