UACES Facebook Sunflower
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May 5, 2018


 I have some two year old swamp sunflowers which were up this spring about 18 inches to 2 feet in height and spreading to my delight each year.  Today my husband's horse was out in the yard grazing, and he "topped" about 90% of the stalks ... trimmed them to about 3 to 4 inches off of them.  Do you think they will still have blooms later this year?  


You may actually thank the horses when you have bushier, shorter plants with more flowers.  I don’t think there will be a problem with them blooming this fall.  I would make sure the cut edges are nice and clean, not jagged.  I think they will branch out and as long as you can keep the horses from re-feasting, I think you will still have blooms later this summer. 


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