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June 17, 2017


What is this variegated plant? It grows very well in my garden and I am considering getting more.


Picture of mexican bamboo


The common name is Mexican bamboo (Polygonum cuspidatum).  While it is not a true bamboo it can become invasive, much like bamboo.  It is actually in the buckwheat family. It is also called Japanese knotweed.



August 6, 2016


 Are there any restrictions on planting bamboo in your yard


AnswerUnfortunately there are no restrictions, but there should be.  If you plant running bamboo, it will take over and keep running.  There are clumping bamboos that can be used and will not be as invasive.

 July 30, 2016


We have just finished a house on a lake in Bella Vista and need some natural screening quickly.   What do you think of clumping bamboo?   


AnswerClumping bamboo is fine but avoid running bamboo.  Clumping bamboo will expand with time, but the clump gradually gets larger, it usually doesn't send out rhizomes which make the running form so invasive. 



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