June 2005
A single columbine plant, from three or four planted several years ago, has persevered
and returned each year in an unlikely spot under an oak tree in my yard in Little
Rock. This year, I have gathered the seed pods and would like, if possible, to propagate
other plants. Can you tell me how to handle planting and growth?
Columbine are often not long-lived perennials, but can reseed themselves even naturally
for continued enjoyment. While they can come up naturally from the seeds left in the
garden, if you plant many other flowers in these beds, save the seeds for a fall planting.
Prepare the bed well, removing weeds and debris, then scatter the seeds in October.
You should have an abundance of plants next spring. Not all plants bloom the first
year from seed, but with fall sowing, it usually improves your odds.
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