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Lenten Rose

January 6, 2018


When can hellebores be divided and transplanted?  Any special tips/technique would also be
appreciated.  I'd like to share one with a friend. Thank you for your help and for the wonderful articles you write for the paper.  I have learned so much.  There are now more successes than failures which makes gardening a joy.



I never recommend dividing the mother hellebore plant since there is usually one crown radiating out. There usually are daughter plants or seedlings around the mother plant.  Those can be moved in the spring or in the fall.  Glad you are having gardening success.  It makes you want to garden even more! Happy New Gardening Year!




January 2, 2016

I have a Lenten rose plant that is getting too crowded.  I need to move it. When should I move it and is it possible to divide it when I do?



Lenten rose or Hellebore is a fabulous evergreen perennial that blooms in the winter months and in the shade.  I would definitely wait until after the plant has totally finished blooming before transplanting it.  This should roughly be in mid-April.  Dividing the mother plant is usually not recommended, but you can remove crowns that are coming up around the mother plant.  A nice clean cut to sever the ties should be safe. Remember the plant is poisonous, which is why deer leave it alone, but if you get the sap on your skin, some people have an allergic reaction, so wear gloves when handling it. 




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