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Creeping Phlox

August 2012

QuestionI have a perennial garden that is almost 20 years old. It is in need of an "extreme makeover", if you know what I mean. I have a lot of creeping Phlox that over the years has crept over the driveway. When I tackle this project in the fall, can I dig that up, clean it out some and replant it? I have noticed over the past 2 years that the blooms are not a prolific as before.


AnswerCreeping phlox actually tends to do better in poor soil, than rich, well watered areas. In my opinion, it is not the most attractive plant after it blooms. I do think you can clean it up, and replant this fall, but I would use it as a border or edging plant, and incorporate some other perennials and annuals into your bed. Diversity is a good thing, and you want plants that can bloom in all seasons. If your perennials get too crowded, it can reduce their vigor and their blooming. A general rule for perennials is plants that bloom in the spring, should be dug and divided in the fall. Fall bloomers should be dug and divided in the spring, and those that bloom in the summer can be dug and divided spring or fall.


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