June 2010
My friend is traveling by plane to Rhode Island to visit a friend who is a gardener.
She would like to take some seeds that are representative of flowers or items that
grow in Arkansas. It's more the idea of representative Arkansas flowers than what
would really thrive there. Any ideas? I can think of Texas bluebonnets for Texas,
but I am stumped for a special Arkansas flower!!
Finding seed for it may be a challenge but Amsonia hubrichtii is commonly called Arkansas blue star and is a great wildflower that would do well
in Rhode Island. Coreopsis, purple coneflower, butterfly weed and many others are
great native wildflowers for us, but not necessarily only found in Arkansas. A nice
mix might be a good idea. The state flower of Arkansas is the apple blossom and the
state wildflower is supposedly tickseed (which is a coreopsis) tickseed coreopsis
is Coreopsis lanceolata. Hope this helps.
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