Confederate Rose
April 2010
I would like to try a hardy oleander in Hot Springs Village. I have heard of Hines
Hardy. Is there one you would recommend? Does the Confederate rose grow here? Will
trailing Thyme do around stepping stones. I need something that stays alive all winter.
Prior to this winter, even the common oleander varieties were overwintering in central
Arkansas without any damage. This winter some did take a hit, but they should be coming
back from the root system even if they were frozen back. Confederate rose (Hibiscus
mutabilis) is winter hardy from central Arkansas south--it dies completely to the
ground each year and is slow to recover in the spring, but it will come back. Creeping
thyme is a wonderful ground cover around rocky sites. It doesn't like rich, wet areas,
so should do well around stepping stones and you get the added benefit of it being
culinary as well as ornamental. There are actually several varieties of thyme with
green, yellow or variegated foliage.
November 2006
I have a flower that was given to me as a cutting last spring. I planted it and it
now is six feet tall and blooming very beautifully here in my garden in Arkadelphia.
The lady called it a Federal or Federate Rose. Can you give me any info on this plant?
It has large leaves and no stickers as does a regular rose.
It is actually a type of hardy hibiscus--Hibiscus mutabalis, commonly called the Confederate
Rose. It does grow quite tall in one season, blooms typically in October and dies
completely back to the ground in the fall/winter after a killing frost. I was recently
given some cuttings of a single flowering form that is supposed to bloom earlier in
the season.
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