Japanese Anemones
November 2012
The plants shown in the attached picture grow in a very shady location in our yard
in Springdale, AR. They bloom at this time of the year. The blossoms are up to 2 1/4
inches in diameter and the points of the larger three part leaves form a 5 inch equilateral
triangle. They grow up to about 18 inches high. They survived for a few years before
we noticed them and they don't seem to need much care. We would love to know what
they are and what we could do encourage these to propagate.
They are wonderful perennials called Japanese anemones. They come in either pink or
white and can reseed themselves as well as spread at the base. Low maintenance and
fall blooming makes them a winner. You can save seeds and scatter, or thin them out
next spring as they emerge.
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