Tiger Lily
June 1, 2016
My tiger lilies were outstanding this year, the prettiest ever. Do I need to leave
the foliage on these plants until they die? It is so large in the garden and blocks
other plants. I would love to cut it back now, but I don’t want to damage future potential.
The foliage is what is producing the energy to insure flowers next summer. Cutting
the plants way back may damage that. You can cut back the stem where the flower was,
but it is best to allow the plants some growing time and wait for the onset of yellow
leaves before you cut back completely.
July 2012
I recently picked a mess of dry seed pods off some lily type flowers. I would like
to plant the seeds and am hoping you will tell me if this will work. For some reason,
I thought day lilies came up from bulbs!
Many bulbous type plants, including daylilies, tiger lilies and even daffodils and
tulips set seeds as well from the spent flowers. It takes a while to get a blooming
plant from a seed of a daylily or Asiatic lily, but it is doable. Just lightly cover
the seeds with soil and be patient. It usually takes two years before you see a flower,
but you will get plants much sooner. A quicker method of propagation is to divide
the plant. Many gardeners like to experiment. If you have a lot of daylilies, they
will cross pollinate so you will get a different bloom.
June 2012
I want to know what the name of this beautiful flower is that I saw in front of a
house in Malvern. I want one.
The plant in question is commonly called a tiger lily. They are one of the showiest
of the lilies and the plants can get quite large. One of the downsides (if there is
one) is that the flowers hang down instead of standing upright.
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