(January 2012)
Could the thorny seeded tree you talked about Dec. 24 be a sweetgum instead of a chesnut?
I don’t think there are any chesnut trees left in Arkansas. Without a picture, how
can I be sure of the difference? What about a horse chesnut? I think they are poisonous
It certainly is a possibility that the thorny fruits were sweetgums. I had chestnuts
on my mind, since someone sent me a sample and asked for identification recently.
Chestnuts were practically wiped out in the United State due to chesnut blight, but
they are not extinct, and there are millions of seedlings nationwide. We have been
seeing a resurgence of the American chesnut tree in Arkansas. I have seen fruiting
trees from Baxter County, to Petit Jean, Little Rock and Monticello. It’s fruit has
lots of spines on the outside and a narrow, toothed leaf and edible inside nut. The
American chesnut foundation is also breeding disease resistant varieties which should
soon be available to the public. The sweetgum tree does have thorny smaller fruit,
but you won't get too much inside, nor is it edible and it is very widespread in our
state. The single leaves look almost like stars with five points. The horse chesnut
is also called a buckeye and while it does have a large poisonous seed, the pods have
small thorns, but it is not as common in our state as the red buckeye, which has .
As with all members of the Aesculus (horsechestnut family) they have compound leaves
with 5-7 leaflets. I have attached pictures of all three for proper identification.
(December 2011)
We have a tree by our driveway, we don't know what kind it is. Every year it has balls
on it that are about as big as a golf ball, they have thorns on them that hurt if
you pick them up. There are so many on our driveway it is hard not to step on them,
sometimes it is hard not to fall. Is there anything we can do so these balls won't
come on the tree next year?
Sounds to me like you have a chestnut tree. If you can get to the nuts inside—a thorny
problem, they are quite tasty. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to prevent
them from setting fruit. On the positive side, we are gaining success in growing chestnuts
again. For many years they were wiped out by the chestnut blight.
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