Contorted Filbert
(April 2012)
I have a Harry Lauder Walking Stick Tree that is approx. 15 years old. It started
putting up suckers and I have continued to remove them. The suckers keep returning,
more each year and larger. I am thinking about cutting it down at this point unless
there is a solution to eliminate the problem since it is getting more difficult to
cut off the suckers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Most Harry Lauder Walking Sticks or contorted filberts are grafted onto a common filbert
rootstock, so suckering is a common complaint. Other than pruning, there isn’t much
you can do about them. I love the look of the twisted, gnarled branches, so I would
continue to prune out suckers. If you really can’t take it, they do now sell Harry
Lauder Walking Sticks that are not grafted, but grown on their own root stocks, and
they will not sucker.
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