October 21, 2017
I have several corkscrew willow cuttings that I've planted in 10" pots to overwinter; can I leave them outside in partial sun until next spring? I live in Bella Vista.
Small containers will dry out quickly even in the winter, plus the soil temperature will get colder than that in the ground. I would move them to a protected spot for the winter. I often put less hardy plants between my house and my shrubs. Put the pots close together and add a layer of mulch around the pots. Water the plants before a really cold spell to make sure there is ample moisture in the soil and plants.
(July 2007)
We planted a weeping willow tree this spring and it has been doing quite well. That
is, until my husband completely girdled it with his weed eater. The bark has been
broken all around the tree. Do you think it will survive, or should we just dig it
up and plant another in the fall?
Lawnmower and weed eater disease get a lot of landscape plants! Let me first forewarn
you that weeping willows aren't particularly long-lived trees in Arkansas even without
the help of the weed eater. They do need a water source, so if you have a pond or
stream on property they will do better than in a standard landscape. If the tree has
been girdled to the layer beneath the bark called the cambium layer, chances are good
that the tree will die from that point up. That is the area where food and water move
up and down the tree and once it is damaged, nothing makes it to the upper portions.
You should see wilting and decline fairly soon, especially since it is summer. See
what happens. You don't want to replant a tree in the summer anyway. Wait until November.
Then, if need be, replant, but consider some other tree species as well.
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