January 16, 2016
I’m hoping you can and will answer my question about a ‘Winter King’ hawthorn tree.
I read about this tree in an issue of Southern Living. It was used in a garden in
Birmingham, AL and the description really appealed to me and the garden committee
of my church in Greers Ferry, AR. Is this a tree that can grow in AR? The committee
wants to plant a tree as a memorial to a deceased member, therefore, we are looking
for something different and special and the ‘Winter King’ hawthorn fits that description.
‘Winter King’ hawthorn is a wonderful small tree and would be a great choice as a memorial tree. I think we should use more hawthorns in our landscapes. They have beautiful bark in the winter, lovely flowers in the spring and then good berries in the fall. Some varieties do struggle with diseases, specifically rust, but Winter King has fairly good disease resistance. The tree has the potential to grow 20-30 feet tall. While most hawthorn trees have thorns, they are small on this species. It would be suitable for most of Arkansas. In the hottest, southernmost parts of Arkansas it might struggle a bit.
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