UACES Facebook Spruce
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October 14, 2017


I was recently in the beautiful Smoky Mountains and fell in love with the Blue Spruce, I  am now searching for the best place to purchase a quality beautiful blue spruce.  And the best information. That’s where you come in—when should I plant and what type of care does it need?.



I am often asked by gardeners moving to Arkansas from points north and west where is the best place to plant a Colorado blue spruce, and my answer is usually Colorado!!  While that is a bit tongue in cheek, it is not easy to grow a blue spruce tree in Arkansas.  If you live in the northern tier of the state, you will have an easier time than if you live central and south.   Since the trees do get large (if they live) you need to give it room to grow.  Make sure you have a well-drained soil with good deep soil for the roots to grow in.  Plant it this fall, so it can get established during its happy time (cool weather).  Water when dry and mulch well.  Water every summer when it gets dry.  If you can find a spot that gets a bit of shade in the afternoon that would be ideal.  You can find some beautiful blue spruce trees growing in Bentonville and Fayetteville and even a sprinkling in Little Rock, but they are not something you can stick in the ground and forget about.  Hot, humid weather is not their friend.


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