Texas Mountain Laurel
(November 2006)
I have a 5 inch seedling of a mountain laurel (it has blue flowers in the spring)
that came from San Antonio. I live in NW Ark and I am keeping it indoors for the winter,
but would like to plant it outdoors in the spring. Will it survive the winters here?
Please tell me more about keeping it alive.
I believe the plant you have is a Texas Mountain Laurel - Sophora secundiflora. This is not the true Mountain Laurel or Kalmia latifolia. The Texas Mountain Laurel plant would not be winter hardy in zone 6--NW Arkansas--it
won't tolerate temperatures below 10. The Texas Mountain Laurel is an attractive spring-flowering
small tree with glossy, evergreen leaves and beautiful purple wisteria-like blooms
smelling of grape Kool-aid. It is also called Mescal Bean. They are native to the
alkaline soils of the Texas Hill Country. They will not tolerate acidic soils. I think
your best bet would be to continue to grow it in a container and store it in a protected
spot for the winter.
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