European Hornbeam
(April 2010)
I would like your recommendation for a deciduous tree for Fayetteville with a maximum
width or span of 20 ft. This is to provide shade for our patio and I would like fall
color if possible. The limitation is because our back yard is only about 25 ft. wide
from the house to privacy fence.
There are several options including gingko, fastigiate European hornbeam or blackgum.
All have a narrower growth habit but will still get tall enough to give you shade.
The gingko has excellent yellow fall color and the blackgum is brilliant red. The
hornbeam is an ok yellow.
I would like your recommendation for a deciduous tree for Fayetteville with a maximum
width or span of 20 ft. This is to provide shade for our patio and I would like fall
color if possible. The limitation is because our back yard is only about 25 ft. wide
from the house to privacy fence.
There are several options including gingko, fastigiate European hornbeam or blackgum.
All have a narrower growth habit but will still get tall enough to give you shade.
The gingko has excellent yellow fall color and the blackgum is brilliant red. The
hornbeam is an ok yellow.
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