(February 2010)
We would like to screen our yard from residents of a motel next door to us. We need
the fastest solution but will have to weigh the cost factor when making a decision.
I’ve read that Blue Spruce grows well in Arkansas and has a good conical shape when
planted as a screen, but it is slow growing and doesn’t transplant so well when more
mature. Do you have suggestions for us?
Colorado blue spruce is ok in the most northern tier of Arkansas, but even there can
struggle with the heat and humidity of our summers. It is relatively slow growing
and I would not think inexpensive. For fast growth, and a mature large plant, consider:
Thuja plicata ‘Green Giant’ - arborvitae or Prunus caroliniana ‘Bright ‘N Tight –
Cherry laurel. Another tall growing albeit slightly slower growing evergreen is the
Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica ‘Yoshino’ or ‘Ben Franklin’ are two large cultivars.
Then there are several hollies which make nice screens: Ilex cornuta ‘Burfordii’ –
Burford holly, I. x attenuate ‘Fosteri’, ‘East Palatka’ or ‘Savannah’ and Ilex x ‘Nellie
R. Stevens’. Depending on space, you could also grow the southern magnolia- Magnolia
grandiflora. The standard variety gets massive, both in height and width but there
are several slower growing smaller cultivars including ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ and
‘Little Gem’.
(July 2010)
Our beautiful Chinese Photinia (30 ft. tall, crown 25 ft. in diam.) has died in spite
of our efforts to save it with fungicide. It was not only a focal point, but the screen
between our windows and our neighbors. We need to replace it with an evergreen shrub
or tree that will eventually fill that space as gracefully. Any suggestions?
There are several possibilities. Cryptomeria plants grow quite large at maturity but
can be slow to get started. A common name is Japanese cedar. There are numerous cultivars
and size varies based on which you choose. Another possibility is one of the hollies--lusterleaf
holly (Ilex latifolia) is fast growing and I think fairly graceful in central and south Arkansas. Nellie
R. Stevens holly is fairly fast growing but will not get near as tall as your photenia.
As far as graceful, I would look at a deodara cedar. Some cultivars will grow way
taller, but others can fit your size.
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