(August 2010)
We live in Bella Vista and have several large black walnut trees on our property.
We have tried a crape myrtle and a red tip but both died. What is it about the black
walnut trees that cause shrubs and bushes to die? Can you recommend any thing that
will grow when planted 16 to 20 feet from a walnut tree?
Black walnuts produce a chemical called juglone, which occurs in all parts of the
tree, especially in the buds, nut hulls, and roots. The leaves contain smaller quantities
and can leach juglone into the soil if they are left on the ground after falling.
Many plants are adversely affected by the juglone, but it is more typical of plants
within the drip line of the tree. For small flowering trees that are not affected
try dogwood, redbud, fringe tree or serviceberry. Shrubs include forsythia, viburnums,
altheas and sumacs. Try to plant things that are adversely affected at least 40 feet
away and don't use the leaves as mulch. If you can create a raised bed that can also
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