July 28, 2018
Could you please tell me what kind of tree this is? I moved to this house in Springdale 3 years ago. At that time this tree was about 6 feet tall. It is now about 15 feet tall.
The tree in question is one of our largest shade trees at maturity—a tulip poplar, Liriodendron tulipifera. It is native to Crowley’s Ridge in Cross County. The tree can grow to be 90 feet tall at maturity.
(August 2007)
I enjoy my hybrid poplars in the spring and early summer. They have a lot of leaves
and the shade is excellent. However, they are shedding all of their leaves and I am
busy every day raking the yard. Is this common? The leaves are yellow with splotches
of chlorophyll granules scattered about. The poplars also have many runners that form
shoots above ground.
Hybrid poplars are not one of my favorite trees, and again, I would categorize them
as trash trees. They grow rapidly, but shed leaves at the first touch of dry weather.
They also have surface roots and numerous root suckers. It is a fact you have to live
with if you have the trees. Even if you decide to remove them, they root sucker for
quite some time afterwards.
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